1File '%s' contains translation for %s version %s.(Shell drag extension support is enabled, but the extension was not loaded. Either it is not installed or you have not restarted the computer yet after installation. Install the extension or switch to compatible drag&&drop mode (from Preferences window), which uses temporary folder for downloads.RMIT Kerberos 5 GSSAPI not found. You need to install it before using this feature.Error watching for changes.-Error watching for changes in directory '%s'.(Error watching for changes of file '%s'.ICannot upload edited file '%s', the session '%s' has been already closed.AThere are too many opened files already. Please close some first.M%s Please remove the file. Otherwise the application will not work correctly.nCannot create temporary directory '%s'. You may change root directory to store temporary files in Preferences.JWinSCP was not able to determine application that was started to open the file. WinSCP cannot watch for changes in the file and thus it will not upload the changed file back.
One possible reason for the problem is that the file was opened in some already running aplication.
Note that the file will remain in temporary folder.éSome of the temporary folders have not been deleted. If you have some files stored in them still opened, close them and try again.To use selected custom command only one file must be selected in one panel to execute the command with the file for each selected file in an opposite panel. Alternatively same number of files can be selected in both panels to execute the command for file pairs.MTo use selected custom command only one file must be selected in local panel.